Suddenly I felt inspired, perhaps because of a rare moderate day instead of our recent oppressive heat, to gather Fall-ish items and arrange them on the fireplace mantel. First, I wanted to deconstruct a Christmas decor item, bought over a year ago from the local thrift shop, to use as a pedestal for a faux pumpkin. That turned out to be the most time-consuming (and frustrating) part of the project. The metal cloche part of the item was permanently attached to the bottom, it seems, not just stuck into the foam block inside the base. I finally broke it off, leaving a small metal rod in the center and projecting slightly above the level of the base.
I want to use the little nest and eggs in a future project. I don't know about the "cloche." Any suggestions?
Top half of my 'deconstructed" Christmas decoration.
The bottom half transformed from Christmas to Autumn:
Bottom half of decoration with pumpkin and leaves.
Add books, leaves, candles, decorative plates, and other assorted treasures to create a pleasing homage to my favorite season of the year!
May our attitude be gratitude!
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